this 1954 British film, a leather-clad hottie from
our neighboring planet lands in Scotland and hits the local watering
hole searching for men. Seems the battle of the sexes got out of hand
on Mars, and when the smoke cleared there were no males left.
So the Martian powers that be sent pretty Nyah (Patricia
Laffan) -- who's been described as a cross between a dominatrix and
Darth Vader -- to Earth, along with a ray gun and large, tacky-looking
robot, to find a man to bring home.
Nyah was heading to London, but the Earth's atmosphere
damaged her spaceship and threw it off course. She lands in the
Scottish moors and finds her way to a manor-turned-inn run by a family
named Jamieson and inhabited by the requisite scientist along with a
reporter, a cute little kid, a fugitive killer, a hunchbacked handyman
destined to get blasted to smithereens and a few other stock characters.
Nyah terrorizes the locals with her ray gun and robot,
which is a cheap imitation of Gort from The Day the Earth Stood Still.
Eventually, the fugitive murderer winds up heading back to Mars with
Nyah. He redeems himself by carrying out the scientist's plan for
blowing up the spaceship, sacrificing himself for the good of mankind
and no doubt the movie-going public as the film mercifully comes to an
end at this point.
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